Governance: Regulations and Policies
Standards Development Procedures and Guidance
Technical Committee Regulations - The operation of AWPA's Technical Committees is governed by its Technical Committee Regulations (TCR). These regulations are essential in maintaining a consensus-based process for submission and consideration of proposals for new AWPA standards or to revise, reaffirm, or withdraw existing standards. (Click here to view the most recent revisions in legislative format.) Revisions to the Technical Committee Regulations may be proposed by any AWPA member in good standing. Proposals to revise, remove, or add new sections must be submitted at least 45 days in advance of an Executive Committee meeting to be considered. The form required to submit proposed revision is available in the "Forms and Documents" to members after logging into this site.
Annex 1: Operating Procedures for ASC O5 - This document governs the development of American National Standards for solid wood and laminated poles, crossarms, braces, and other utility products by ANSI Accredited Standards Committee O5, of which AWPA is the Secretariat.
Guidance Documents were developed by AWPA Technical Committees to help users with various AWPA activities, such as standardization of new wood preservatives, reaffirmation requirements, and other guidelines. Proposals for new Guidance Documents, revisions to a Guidance Document, or renewal of a Guidance Document must be submitted to AWPA at least 75 calendar days in advance of the Committee P-6 meeting. The form required to submit proposed revision is available in the "Forms and Documents" to members after logging into this site.
Guidance Document A - Data Requirement Guidelines for Listing Wood Preservatives in the AWPA Standards
Guidance Document B - Guidelines for Evaluating New Fire Retardants for Consideration by the AWPA
Guidance Document C - Protocol for Standardization of New Millwork Preservative Systems
Guidance Document D - Protocol for Standardization of New Wood Preservative Finishes
Guidance Document E - Recommended Method for Determining the Treatability of a Species for Inclusion in the AWPA Commodity Standards for Sawn Material
Guidance Document F - Guidelines for Evaluating Composite Wood Products Preservative Treated Using Nonpressure Processes
Guidance Document G - Surface Applied Wood Preservative Finish Performance Testing Guideline
Guidance Document H - Evaluating Preservatives for Remedial Treatment
Guidance Document I - Reaffirmation Requirement Guidelines
Guidance Document J - Preservatives Review Board Procedures (suspended)
Guidance Document K - Data Requirement Guidelines for Solvents Used with Oil-Borne Preservatives
Guidance Document L - Data Requirement Guidelines for Listing Chemically Modified Wood with Enhanced Durability in the AWPA Standards
Guidance Document M - Data Requirement Guidelines for Evaluating Performance Enhancing Additives (PEA)
Guidance Document N - Data Requirements for Listing Thermally Modified Wood with Enhanced Durability in the AWPA Standards
Guidance Document O - Guidelines for AWPA Analytical Method Standards
Guidance Document P - Standard Practice for Determining Minimum Efficacy Thresholds for New UC4A Preservatives
Corporate Governance and Other Policies
Executive Committee "Same Business Organization" Policy