About AWPA
The American Wood Protection Association is an international, non-profit, technical society founded in 1904 to provide a common forum for the exchange of technical information between industry, research and users of treated wood.
AWPA is the principal Standards-writing body for methods, preservatives, and other technologies which protect wood and wood-based products. Individuals with various areas of interest including consumers, end-users, government, academia, specifiers and producers meet on a regular basis to develop and maintain these Standards for preservatives and other protectants, treatments, testing methods, quality control and inspection procedures for treated wood products. AWPA relies on the expertise of and information voluntarily developed by technically qualified members.
AWPA Standards help enhance product quality and build the confidence of product end-users. These standards are recognized and used by most, if not all, specifiers of treated wood including electrical utility, marine, road and building construction as well as by local, state and federal governments through the use of the major model building codes.
AWPA believes that an open, consensus process is necessary to ensure development of technically competent, credible standards. Membership in the Association is open to all interested individuals. The standards development meetings are open to all persons whether or not they are members of the Association.
DISCLAIMER: In the judgment of the membership of the American Wood Protection Association, AWPA Standards represent the preferred wood preservation specifications, processes, penetration, and retention in the present state of research and technical knowledge. AWPA Standards are voluntary and are provided for informational purposes only. AWPA has no control over the processes used to employ AWPA standards or possible variations in materials, application, and manner of use. AWPA assumes no responsibility for results of use or performance of products represented as meeting or conforming to AWPA Standards. AWPA is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, reliance on, or performance of any information contained herein.
IMPORTANT: Various Federal, State, and Local regulations may govern the use of products or processes standardized by AWPA. The existence of an AWPA Standard for a product or process does not imply that it is lawfully permitted for use in all potential applications. AWPA Standards are not to be regarded as legal or other professional advice.
TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHT: The various AWPA logos are trademarks of the American Wood Protection Association, Inc., and shall not be used for any reason without prior written consent from AWPA. The terms "AWPA" and "American Wood Protection Association", the identifiers of AWPA Standards (e.g., U1, T1, M4, etc.), and Use Category designations (e.g., UC1, UC3B, UC4A, etc.) are AWPA trademarks and the intellectual property of AWPA and its Technical Committees. AWPA grants a royalty-free license to use these trademarks for the limited purpose of labeling treated wood products which fully meet AWPA Standards. The AWPA Standards are copyrighted documents and subject to federal and international intellectual property laws, and may not be reproduced without prior written consent from AWPA. Please contact us if additional information is required